Strengthen your workforce with
AI-powered delivery robots

Meet your next hire
Engineered in Silicon Valley
Efficient delivery on any surface
Serve every customer, around corners and over ramps, with all-floor navigation.
Streamline service with expanded capacity, easily navigating 25.6-inch paths.
Scale your workforce with the most advanced team of robots on the market.
Serve every customer around corners and over ramps, with all-floor navigation.
Streamline service with expanded capacity, easily navigating 25.6-inch paths.
Scale your workforce with the most advanced team of robots on the market.
Efficient delivery on any surface
Intelligent delivery in tight spaces
Serve in crowded spaces, including 21.6-inch paths, with compact design and intelligent navigation.
Serve around the clock with a powerful 12-hour battery and 66-pound load capacity.
Scale your workforce with human-like multi-robot intelligence.
Serve in crowded spaces, including 21.6-inch paths, with compact design and intelligent navigation.
Serve around the clock with a powerful 12-hour battery and 66-pound load capacity.
Scale your workforce with human-like multi-robot intelligence.
Meet your next hire
Intelligent delivery in tight spaces
Improve warehouse productivity
Save money and increase efficiency with our budget-friendly AMR robots that automate tasks.
Effortlessly manage multiple robots with our centralized control system (ACS).
Enhance operations with seamless integration of on-premise WMS and smart devices.
Improve warehouse productivity
Save money and increase efficiency with our budget-friendly AMR robots that automate tasks.
Effortlessly manage multiple robots with our centralized control system (ACS).
Enhance operations with seamless integration of on-premise WMS and smart devices.
Next generation workflows
See Servi’s positive impact across various industries by
steps saved, weight carried, and deliveries made.

Steps Saved
Weight Carried
Deliveries Made
As of Q1 2025

Steps Saved
Weight Carried
Deliveries Made
As of Q1 2025

Steps Saved
Weight Carried
Deliveries Made
As of Q1 2025

Steps Saved
Weight Carried
Deliveries Made
As of Q1 2025

Steps Saved
Weight Carried
Deliveries Made
As of Q1 2025
Success stories
Discover how customers have improved service quality by using Servi.
Millions served faster with robot-powered drive-thru operations.
A tech marvel with over 30 multi-robots serving and bussing around the clock.
Monster Pho
Multiple Servis run food at this popular Bay Area restaurant.
고객 성공 사례
고객이 Servi를 사용하여 서비스 품질을 개선한 방법을 알아보세요.
온더보더 광화문점
Servi는 대형 매장의 테이블 서빙을 도와 직원들의 업무 부담을 줄여줍니다.
반구정 나루터
30대 이상의 멀티 로봇이 24시간 서빙과 테이블 정리를 책임지는 서비스 경험을 만나보세요.
서리재 현대미아점
Servi는 차별화된 고객 서비스와 직원들의 만족도를 향상시켜 줍니다.
Success Stories
Discover how customers have improved service quality by using Servi.

Why Bear?
The world’s most experienced robotics company and highest IQ serving robots.

Bear news
Read how Bear Robotics is making a lasting impact across the world.
Bear Robotics' Servi Plus Wins Prestigious iF Design Award 2024
LG Electronics to become largest shareholder in U.S.-based robotics startup
Transforming Hospitality: Bear Robotics’ Servi Plus Leads the Charge in Service Automation

베어 뉴스
베어 로보틱스가 전 세계에 지속적인 영향을 미치고 있는 방법을 읽어보세요.
Bear Robotics' Servi Plus Wins Prestigious iF Design Award 2024
LG전자, 베어로보틱스 경영권 확보…'미래먹거리' 로봇사업 속도
Transforming Hospitality: Bear Robotics’ Servi Plus Leads the Charge in Service Automation
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Let us help you find the right solutions for your business.
If you need a call, please contact us at +1-844-729-2327.