The Future Begins with Bear

From the tech celebrities of Silicon Valley to the Hollywood scenes of sci-fi lore, artificial intelligence and future technology have been at the forefront of the American consciousness since even before the great Space Race of the mid 20th century. In the fifties, we looked ahead to flying cars. In the sixties, we saw the emergence of a great space odyssey. In the eighties, we just wanted to party like it’s 1999. Throughout all of it, our hopes were high and our sights were set on the advances of tomorrow. 

Enter the roaring twenties of the 21st century and take stock of just how far we’ve come. Our phones are capable of computing everything from facial identification algorithms to our favorite Friday night destinations. Our marketplaces have entered the matrix of online shopping convenience. And while our cars may not be able to fly at the moment, we’ve come such a long way and yet it feels like we’ve just reached the beginning.

A Human Approach to Hospitality Tech 

With so many advances in our technological ecosystem, it’s no wonder the hospitality industry is ripe for smarter solutions to human problems. Bear Robotics is setting out at the forefront of this endeavor. With a robust suite of high-tech innovations, we are determined to take the hard work out of hospitality and create a space where everyone, from servers to chefs, can focus on creating experiences instead of sweating the small stuff. We’re doing it responsibly and creating it with robots. 

Why Robots?

It all started in 2017, when Bear Robotics co-founder John Ha found himself at the helm of his very own restaurant, an endeavor that would prove to be a little more challenging than he’d bargained for. With laborious tasks like dishwashing, bussing, and serving, John quickly saw an opportunity to not only streamline work but to empower a better restaurant and service experience. Surely, he thought, there must be a better way –  and with that Bear was born. 

Fast forward four years and Bear Robotics is leading the way in hospitality tech. And while our best tools come from tech, we’re not just interested in building bots. At Bear, we’re determined to bridge better experiences and face-to-face encounters between real human beings. We believe that without the busy work of hospitality, we can enhance our culture even beyond the culinary industry. 

How Do Robots Enhance Human Connectivity? 

It’s simple. Our robots empower employees in the hospitality space by providing a smarter workflow that encourages connections by eliminating extra work. Without the burdens of running food or dashing for drink orders, servers are able to spend more time on what matters – making connections with customers. And when these connections are more meaningful, servers are able to lessen stress, eliminate burnout and thus become even more invested in their customers’ experiences. It’s a positive cycle and we’ve created Servi to bring it about.   

Meet Servi 

Servi has evolved from a four-year journey, becoming the standard of service automation in the hospitality industry. In its current iteration, this fully autonomous food and beverage runner can perform a range of tasks from bussing tables to serving orders, even helping to transport used dishes back to the kitchen. 

With over 85 thousand miles under its wheels, over 6.6 million deliveries made, and over nine thousand hours of operation, Servi is quickly becoming the smartest tool in any dining room or kitchen. Imagine – with just the simple press of a button, this high-capacity, multi-purpose robot is able to manage the floor of even the busiest of restaurants all while remaining agile and sending analytics back for further improvement. 

Currently, Bear offers both Servi for high-capacity service and Servi Mini for bar running, drink delivery and bussing. 

Service Comes Full Circle 

When people once looked to the future, it’s hard to imagine they set their sights on the modern service industry. It’s even stranger to assume that their vision of robotics would lead them to reflect on humanity. Bear Robotics was born of this mission. We came up in the restaurant industry and know the space better than just about anyone. We understand the impact good service can make and we’re committed to fostering a future where the recipe for real-world hospitality is equal parts comfort, conversation, and connections.


Reinventing the Grind: Five Misconceptions on the Future of Work and Automation